Preta Sp. z o.o. was founded in 1996 year, offers professional woodworking tools and sells them within Poland and abroad. The offer is oriented to the companies related with woodworking industry: sawmill, carpenter and furniture facilities and dealers. The products we offer are the most-up technology in the world.
boring bits,
jointer cutterheads,
arbor bits,
high precision spring colltes,
concentric chucks,
sets of cuterheads,
interchangeable knives,
and the tools for individual request.
planer knives HSS 18% and HM, courrgatedback knives HSS 18% and HM
From the begining of existence PRETA attends at the International Fair DREMA in Poznań and DREMA SILESIA in Katowice. Attending in the fair give the possibility to exhibit goods, acquaint with the up-to-dated technologies and establish new contacts.
We belive that our offer and cooperation with us measure up and quarantee your success.
PRETA offers reach knowledge, specialist service and professional counseling to her clients also. The big interest of our clients are the sawbands and the service – regeneration, stelitting, stressing and planishing. The knowledge and experience of technician let to matching right tools, solving problems and finding optimal solutions. The high quality tools and professional service quarantee the success of our company and clients also.
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